Thursday, January 1, 2009


Ok so Mic has been holding down the blog for the last few dates and shows....but after the craziness that took place last night I had to get back on here and drop a lil something!

Whew So much to talk about!!!!!!


Lets start with Vancouver....where we still are until Tacoma 2maro!

Out of all the cities that I have seen in canada, this was the last one on the list for me!

I'm stoked by all the things and variety that Van City has got, but I must admit, I am a little disappointed by the culture and average way of life in the city.....

It has all the liberty's of amsterdam as far as laws and freedoms for the party people, but along with that it also has the cold, impersonal feel of amsterdam. All though alot of things are still "illegal" it is very easy to get around things and the police are calm and lenient, the people of the city seem almost lost in their own inner self righteousness.

Don't get me wrong, the homies out here are very cool and have been taking extra special care of us, but the average person in the street, seem distracted with their own agendas and the lack of morals is written all over their faces......

On another note. Some things to mention about the city is that the lay out and skyline is one of the prettiest in canada. The scattered clusters of buildings is very remnant of The bay area.

Van City.......the north american port to asia, is also the HIV capital of Canada, and has one of the biggest Heroine problems in the Continent. There are actually places for addicts to go and get clean needles, called "Safe Injection Sites." Centered in the city on Hastings Ave., is pretty much the hub of such places for such people.

As a Canadian Myself, I must say that the west coast is Completely different from the east within the country. Where the violence and gang activity is No comparison to The left coast in the states, Vancouver B.C definitely gives cities in the states a run for their money and make up for it in drugs and prostitution, disease and street fighting!

It was a nice place to visit, but I'm glad that I dont live here!

Top 5 In Vancouver:

1. Yiannis' Crib and Sneaker collection.
2. Value Village Thrift stores
3. Beat Street Records
4. Canadian Trees
5. Tessa the Human GPS

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